Xara designer pro x11
Xara designer pro x11

xara designer pro x11


The hyphenation dialog offers full control. Art Brushes stretch a vector shape or bitmap along the line.ĥ new W3C standard, web-safe and PDF-safe blend modes in the Transparency Tool (Overlay, Hard Light, Soft Light, Luminosity & Color.įans of the Shape Painter Tool will love the extra flexibility offered by a new selection of vector shape editing tools (in the drop down list in the Shape Painter InfoBar).Ī new hyphenation option automatically breaks long words at line ends to give a more flowing appearance to your text and fit more words into limited space. Scatter Brushes repeat shapes along a line and you can now create them using any type of object (so for example you could include feathering or extrusions). There's a big step forward for the Brush Tool with significant improvements to the existing Scatter Brushes and a totally new type of Art Brush. Some improvements to photo gallery widgets (you can now set the size of the pop-up) Option to export retina version of web graphic at the same time as 96dpi version


Accurate export of text with manual kerns Small improvements in the drop-down menus Web export options dialog now usable offline Ability to control the inter-page gap in vertical and horizontal supersites In Designer Pro X11 you can make any rectangle or image stretch to fill the browser window, either horizontally or vertically.ĭesigner Pro X11 now offers support for publishing with SFTP and FTPS. Website designs with no obvious page boundary are now very popular, and in this sort of design you'll commonly see a page background that covers the entire browser window and stretches to fill the browser width. Animate on click (or tap on a touch device)

xara designer pro x11

So for example you can set objects to slide or fade into view as you scroll down a page Animate on reveal ie when the object first comes into view or a trigger object comes into view. In v11 any object can be stuck to any position on the page, or the left of right edge of the browser window.Ī new Web Animation dialog introduces powerful and easy to use new animation capabilities. A good example is the NavBar which you can stick to the top of the page as viewers scroll down, so they can still easily navigate to other pages without having to scroll back up to the top. These are objects that you can 'stick' in place as the page scrolls underneath. A single application for all your creative work. Powerful illustration tools, innovative photo editing, flexible page layout and unrivalled WYSIWYG web design. Xara Designer Pro X11 - Quite simply the world's fastest graphics software. Xara Designer Pro X11 v11.7 + Content + Clipart | 1 Gb Xara Designer Pro X11 v11.7 + Content + Clipart

Xara designer pro x11